The 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) are the foundation for what individuals can do to help the environment.
North Carolinians throw away enough trash to fill dumpsters from Burlington to Beaufort every 26 days!
Each year, Alamance County generates thousands of tons of waste both in our homes and communities. The EPA is challenging all citizens to conserve the limited natural resources that we have by committing to reduce, reuse and recycle in our homes, in our neighborhoods and at work.
North Carolina’s Department of Environment and Natural Resources is challenging local governments state-wide to significantly improve their current recycling programs to reach the goal of “2 Million Tons by 2012.” Presently, Alamance County residents are recovering 145 pounds per person per year. This rate would need to increase to just over 300 pounds per person per year.
With your help, we can achieve this goal!